Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Fathers Day

Congratulations to my fellow beer geeks Chris and Jason for being recognized as first-rate fathers.

Yesterday, I brainstormed to name the one literary father that all dads should emulate. After mulling over the possible choices, I nominate the rare dad who was on a first-name basis with his children:

Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird. Why Atticus Finch? For those few who have never read Harper Lee's classic novel, the reasons are simple. Atticus stood for--and taught--his children moral values that, for some reason, get buried in today's American culture while many who claim to have "family values" focus instead on bitterly divisive "moral" issues. Atticus practiced and taught his children the virtues of peace, humility, and helping those who are less fortunate than we are. Simple values, yes, but also the most important for humankind.


Jason said...

To Kill A Mockingbird...some how I missed that in high school. Maybe I'll check it out for vacation this summer.

Thanks for tip-o-the-hat.

Oh, those cinnamon thingies from Shapiro's...even better cold.

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