Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Van That Thought Out Loud

I stopped into Mo'Joe Coffeehouse on the way to the office today to pick up a cup of decaf. After getting my cup of "no fun" (as one of my friends likes to call it), I went over to the area of the coffeehouse where they put event flyers and the like. Sitting there was this intriguing postcard with the photograph posted above. On the back was this message:

The Van That Thought Out Loud is a roaming billboard for your ideas, expressions, thoughts and intentions. It is yours, a vehicle for you the individual to rant or whine, be profound or idiotic, wild or lame. It's just this easy...

First, email your post to the vehicle along with your name, birthdate and present location to thevanthatthoughtoutloud@gmail.com.

Second, wait. I will post a list of names with dates when their phrases will be on the van for all to witness.

Third, wait again (see, you really don't have to do anything) for the image of your thought spelled on the van to be posted for all the world (who can log online) to see.

What are you waiting for?

I don't know whether to call this "installation art" or something else. Be that as it may, photographs of the van will apparently be posted here.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

This is awesome-- but I can't think of anything sufficiently pithy or cute to send in!